Hi All, ( I am hoping that more and more people visit my blog and thats one reason why I greet as ALL) I haven't yet publicized my blog even to my intimate circle of friends and relatives but only a select few. I will do it once I am content with the content.
My metaphor, which has been inducted into me by my good friend and mentor, Jairam, this is the first thing he taught me, amongst a thousand more, is:
I am in want of words to establish the sanctity of the statement mentioned above. How can one NOT be in agreement with the above? Almost in every situation and circumstances dotted by seconds in time, you and I would have been found wanting trying to understand what is being communicated or what has been asked to execute using a new theory/approach/philosophy? How many did we realize and asked ourselves, "when did things start moving in this direction?"
Or how many times were we caught unawares much to the bewilderment of the worldly fact?
The answer is, we are not simply evolving with time. Our our evolution and the knowledge enhancement be it in the professional walks of life or personal is not at a pace with which all the unaware things of ours move or evolve.
The solution for all of us is to me mechanize our learning systems, just like a software program which performs the stipulated and triggers tasks that it is supposed to be responsible for. Similar to the program, our mind has to trigger to learning attributes that will form the critical mass of our actions in everyday life only to become obsolete the next day. But since your mind has been programmed to pick up latest techniques at the end of everyday, you are attuned to perform your actions, the next day, using your new found knowledge today. That's what one great philosopher and Jairam precisely meant by LEARN, UNLEARN AND RELEARN.
We are talking about globalization, a flat-flat world out there. An executive of today has the luxury of having breakfast in one continent, lunches in the sky dinners with their counterparts in some other corner of the planet. In this kind of a scenario, you are not only tackling your inner self but also a mixture of cultures and communication strategies. Immense exchange of ideas, philosophies of work, culture exchange and you name it and you have to face it. This constant travel exchange and work brings in a lot of challenges to the professionals of today and one needs to perennially adapt to the ever-changing world exchange and stay abreast to be able to survive.
That's why I reiterate the one-line metaphor to learn, unlearn and re-learn. You win, but its only temporary and you have to face a new challenge the next day.
The world is outdated every 24 hours.
Each day presents us with an opportunity to be creative, to make lives simpler yet we make it that much more complicated with thoughts that deviate our focus and energies to something worth not controlling.
There are a billion people struggling to make a mark (I am one of them) but our thought processes and minds are overshadowed or encapsulated under a thick membrane of jealousy, fear and attitude. If we look at people who have succeeded in this world are the ones who didnt have any inhibitions or limitations to unleash their creative side. They are the ones who perfectly mastered the art of overpowering basic instincts of fear of failure, jealousy and deprived themselves of materialistic everyday pleasures. These are very simple roadblocks, yet we become corrupted to ideas of pleasure and relaxation. Well, thats how are tuned into. And thats why there are a billion people who struggle everyday and only a few thousands how have found success. Mind you that I am one of these billion struggling people. BUT I am in pursuit of gaps and drawbacks, enabling me to survive. I have a few very good mentors, and friends ( will name them in my later posts, firstly I will have to convince them to make them public). These guys are like a mirror and will portray what I am every time I look upto them. They will let me know where the gaps and bulges are.
So friends, lets evolve and become survivors in this ever changing world. Change is imminent, persistent and never easy. But we have to face it.
Lets learn, unlearn and relearn.
More later..
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